Yes you heard right.
Today I was travelling on the invitation of Vishal from Performance Buildings from Zurich to Lausanne to the CEO Collaborative Forum Event at the mighty IMD (A great event by the way!).
Travelling with us was Siddhartha Arora from IBM. After the customary complaint about the bad weather we started to talk business. Siddhartha asked me about Squirro and I showed him our current closed beta.
Of course we checked in on IBM. And found this – ‘IBM launches PureSystems‘, IBM’s new initiative at expert integrated systems.
Siddhartha was just reading the latest from IBM when his phone rang. His boss was on the phone from London where IBM was holding at that very moment a press conference announcing this initiative to the world. He wanted to tell Siddhartha to good news. Well Siddhartha knew already… – thanks to Squirro.
PS: You’re also in for an informational edge? Sign up for Squirro today!