It’s really the light. Coming into Charlotte two days ago there was this wonderful late afternoon light across the city, a kind of deep blue, combined with southern warmth. Later the sky turned warmer still. The reciprocal effect of light and clouds gave the skyline a mysterious and beautiful flavour.
I came here to Charlotte, North Carolina, the first time last year. We were visiting Wells Fargo, a US bank. Today, 12 months later, I am back to visit a visionary team, transforming the way the bank does more with data.
For the past decade any bank faced an ever-growing level of competition. As a reaction Wells Fargo puts long lasting client relationships in the center of its activities. With customer satisfaction being directly linked to competitiveness and profitability, the bank needs to leverage new technologies and do more with their (existing) data to create deeper and wider relationships.
The bank has chosen Squirro to deliver this vision. We’ll post in the near future a more complete customer success.